Policy Letter
At Tomball Classes, the teachers consider their classes to be a ministry and are committed to meet each  student's educational needs as best we can. We are keenly aware that we are not a school, only a support arm, helping each family reach the goals set by parents for their own children.

Parental Supervision
Since our classes meet only once per week, teachers rely heavily on daily parental supervision of the student's work at home. We expect students to work diligently to complete weekly assignments and be prepared when they come to class in order for the class time to be productive for all students. An unprepared student stifles not only his own progress, but also the effectiveness of class time for all other students. 

Full Year Commitment
We ask that parents share the same full year commitment as the teachers.  If a student drops a class before September 30th, 2 additional months tuition will be required.  If a student drops after September 30, the full year’s tuition will be required. In August, each teacher may make a decision to go forward with some small classes, based on this full year commitment.  Additionally, in any class that is full, each student has taken a seat that might have gone to another student.  In light of these considerations, please consider your enrollment a full year commitment, whether or not your child completes the full year of classes.

Withdrawal of Student by Teacher
In the event of a student not meeting outlined class/teacher expectations or conduct requirements, said teacher may decide to withdraw the student.  Before this can occur, the teacher must contact the parent(s) or guardian(s) with the concern(s) by phone or email to discuss the issue.  If the situation is not resolved, then the teacher will request a conference with the parent(s) and student to outline in writing the needed strategies for learning success and a timeline for completion.  If these expectations and/or conduct requirements are still not being met by the student, the teacher may choose to withdraw the student.  Any and all tuition will still be required to be paid in full.

Supervised Study /  Fellowship Hall
For your convenience and your child's safety a free study hall is provided in the gym. From 8:15-12:00 students must study quietly. They may talk quietly from 12:00-4:30. This service is provided for students only. Students who will be on campus before, after, or between classes must be in study/fellowship hall.  They may not wander around the facilities.  Students will sign-in when they arrive at Tomball Classes and sign-out when they leave. A late fee will be charged to parents if their students are not picked up by 4:30.

We look forward to another great school year.

Steering Committee for Tomball Classes for Homeschoolers

Please see more important TCH policies under Guidelines.